Bol nádherný, slnečný, februárový deň. Sneh bol taký akurát – na stavanie snehuliakov, a tak som svojmu dieťaťu takmer násilím vypla notebook s rozprávkami a vydali sme sa na dobrodružnú cestu za skutočným poznaním. Začali sme stavaním nadrozmerných snehuliakov a spoznávali vlastnosti snehu – že je studený, biely, krásne trblietavý na slnku, formovateľný, topiaci sa pod vplyvom tepla...Postupne sa k nám pridávali deti z našej ulice, preto sme sa rozhodli, že si postavíme iglu. Ako tehličku ku tehličke sme pridávali veľké snehové gule jednu ku druhej. Bola to namáhavá a ťažká práca. Po dvoch hodinách sme boli všetci celí premoknutí od snehu, aj od potu. Ale výsledok stál za to. Traja milí snehuliaci, snehový domček aj s plôtikom, červené líčka, okysličené pľúca, radosť v očiach detí zo spoločne, tímovo vykonanej práce. Celý deň sa naši snehuliaci usmievali na okoloidúcich a dospelým spolu s iglu pootvorili dvierka k spomienkam na vlastné detstvo. Stáli tam až do večera, kým o nich nezavadili oči naši milí, múdri, mladí...
Na druhý deň nám to bolo veľmi ľúto, ale opravili sme ich a znova sa vytešovali z nášho snehového super diela. Až do večera, kým o nich nezavadili oči naši milí, múdri, mladí...
Odvtedy už budem s mojimi deťmi stavať snehuliakov len na vlastnom dvore. A neustále im budem pripomínať, že NIKDY NENÁJDU RADOSŤ TAM, KDE JU POKAZIA INÝM, ZVLÁŠŤ DEŤOM!!!
It was a beautiful, sunny, February day. Snow was perfect for building snowmen. So I turned off the computer with tales my child was looking at. We set out for a trip in order to discover real adventures. We started to build oversized snowmen together and also to identify snow features. Like that snow is white, glittering beneath the sunrays, shapable, melting in warmth...
Also another children from our street joined us. We determined to build up an igloo. We put down the snowballs one by another. The more we put down the more the igloo grew. The work was exhausting and difficult. After two hours we were all wet. Not just because of snow but also we were sweat. As I mentioned above it was really hard work. But it worth. The result was amazing! Three lovely snowmen, snow house with a fence , pink cheeks, lungs full of fresh air, joy in our childrens‘ eyes. We made this creation by cooperative work of all of us.
The snowmen cheered up also people walking past the snowmen. Everybody thought about their own childhood. It lasted so till some young sighted it. They destroyed everything. It made them happy to made others unhappy.
On the other day after we saw the destruction we felt really sorry about that. But we didn’t give up and rebuilt it again. Till the evening came. Somebody destroyed it. Again.
So I decided to recall my children that they will never find the joy there, where they spoil it.
Especially the pleasure of children. Translated by my sister mini.
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