štvrtok 31. októbra 2013

Sewing Card Activity

This was great activity for Di. I found it here: http://www.handmadecharlotte.com/diy-printable-sewing-cards-2/ My husband printed free printables at work. I cut them and made the holes for Di. Then she chose the thread and started to sew with a blunt needle. She wasn´t sewing for the first time, so it was fun for her and she didn´t need my help. I laminated the cards and younger Li likes playing with them.

pondelok 28. októbra 2013

Number Zoo

I have bought these zoo animals this week. Li didn´t play with them at all. Sometimes she is watching videos while eating her lunch. And so we have found this Number Zoo video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsDanlM8_3c. Now she is playing with the animals and watching the video. She doesn´t know the animals yet, but we will repeat the activity and hopefully she will learn them sooner or later.

utorok 22. októbra 2013

Water Fun

Playing with water is always fun. Li tried to pour water from one jug to another. She was so happy...

sobota 19. októbra 2013

1, 2 buckle my shoe...

Li´s favourite activity is putting on shoes. It is useful to know your child´s favoured activity, when there is something more important to do. She also likes to unlace her shoes and soon she will be able to lace them. On the other hand, it is tricky, when we go out and cannot find the shoelaces...

štvrtok 17. októbra 2013

Money Box

We used to play Dostihy (Horse Racing) Game when we were children. The game included small chips like coins. Li is inserting them into a money box. This activity is good for her fine motoric skills.

pondelok 14. októbra 2013


I am a happy daughter of my mum. My mother grows her own vegetables and she always brings me some crops. She brought me some veggies on Sunday - carrot, parsley, kohlrabi, potatoe, cabbage, celery and onion. A thought crossed my mind while I was cleaning the veggies. I put the carrot, the parsley, the kohlrabi and the potatoe on a tray. Li played with them first. Then I named them twice. After that I told her to pass me the carrot...the parsley etc and she was able to give me the right vegetable. Finally, I chose two of them and asked where the carrot is...where the parsley is etc and Li pointed at the correct vegetable. Of course, I cooked a vegetable soup and Li watched a Vegetable presentation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0fk15GI7IA) while she was eating the soup.

piatok 11. októbra 2013

Fruit play

This is a similar activity to the vegetables activity. First I named the fruit. Then Li was told to pass f.e. an apple. Then she had to choose f.e. a pear from two shown kinds of fruit. I printed free fruit printables from here: http://www.1plus1plus1equals1.com/ and laminated them. I was surprised that it was quite easy to find the pairs for her...we also used Di´s first books. There is one with fruit among them.