piatok 31. januára 2014

School Carnival

There was a carnival in Di´s school, so grandmothers prepared the mask for Di and Li. Grandmother Jana bought the skirts and the wings and grandmother Vlasta made a headbands and a vest by crocheting. The third girl in the photo is Di´s classmate Tánička. Her mask was a monster.

streda 29. januára 2014

Magnetic Books

We bought four magnetic books for Di. She is seven, but she likes playing with them. Li is always interested in activities that Di does. Li likes playing with Di. However, Di is sometimes nervous about it and she does not want to borrow her some toys. So we play with the toys when Di is at school.

štvrtok 23. januára 2014

streda 22. januára 2014


This game is as old as me. I used to play it with my father when I was a little girl. We have lost the original ball, so I and Li played with a marble ball.

pondelok 20. januára 2014


This is a game I used to play with Di. It is putting the animals into the right place and learning to count from 1 to 10. Li is quite good at it...

nedeľa 19. januára 2014


This winter was mean with snow. So we went sledging to Plejsy. There is artificial snow for skiing, but also the place where children can sledging, too.

piatok 17. januára 2014


This is Di´s and Li´s favourite activity. They like curing animals game or having an animals hotel. They do not argue when playing this.

štvrtok 16. januára 2014

A Duck

This duck is from Di´s childhood. The eyes, the hat and its wheels are missing, but it is great activity for fine motorics and learning shapes.

streda 15. januára 2014

The Three Bears Game

This is also one of the wooden games from Di. Li has to dress mother bear, father bear and baby bear. Every bear has its own wardrobe.

A Tower

Li can build a tower from wooden cubes.

streda 8. januára 2014


I found those snowmen which are different sizes on the Internet, prited and laminated them a taught Li to lay them by size.

utorok 7. januára 2014