sobota 31. januára 2009


At our FMC Mamulienka we made these wonderful angels from the feet cuts and hands cuts of our kids. We needed some paper, scissors, glue, wool, sticks and crayons and the thread to hang the angel up. First we copied both feet and hands on the paper, then cut it and glue the hands cuts to the feet cuts. We also cut the circle to glue it to the feet cuts and it was the head of the angel. We drew the eyes and mouth and then we affixed the wool to make the hair. Finally our kids stuck the stickers on the angels.

piatok 30. januára 2009


Yesterday I wrote about failures of other people, now I want to write about my total failure made in emotional raising of my daughter. Impacted by recent events, I lost my nerves. I was very strict, when Di didn`t want to sleep. In similar situations I try to give her much love and hugs, today I turned on my back and talked with a cold voice...I was totally strange person to her. I am really sorry about it.

štvrtok 29. januára 2009


It was very demanding day today. I realized a lot of things, many thanks to God. I thought, that I was the only cause of my recent failures. I heard some facts, that disproved my opinion. I am confused a little bit, because I don`t know... Should I enjoy or not? Of course, I am not perfect, but sometimes I truly forget, that nobody is perfect. That`s it.

streda 28. januára 2009


Di made a collage from cotton balls and earplugs today. She needed a glue, purple paper, cotton and earplugs. She enjoyed the activity with my little help and she was covered with cotton everywhere after all.

pondelok 26. januára 2009

Dear God - Drahý Bože


I want to thank you for what you have already done. I am not going to wait until I see results or receive rewards; I am thanking you right now.
I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look better;
I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until people say
they are sorry or until they stop talking about me;
I am thanking you
right now. I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears
I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until my
financial situation improves; I am going to thank you right now.
I am not going to wait until the children are asleep and the house is quiet;
I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I get
promoted at work or until I get the job;
I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I understand every experience in my life that has caused me pain or grief;
I am thanking you right now.

I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges
are removed;

I am thanking you right now.
I am thanking you because I am alive.
I am thanking you because I made it through the day’s difficulties.
I am thanking you because I have walked around the obstacles.
I am thanking you because I have the ability and the opportunity to do
more and do better.
I’m thanking you because FATHER, YOU haven’t given up on me.

IN ALL THINGS THANK HIM. (from Sandra Hersley)

Voľný preklad -
Drahý Bože:

Chcem sa Ti poďakovať za všetko, čo si pre mňa urobil.
Nebudem čakať, kým uvidím výsledky alebo dostanem odmenu; ďakujem teraz hneď. Nebudem čakať, kým sa budem cítiť lepšie, alebo sa veci budú zdať lepšie; ďakujem Ti teraz hneď.
Nebudem čakať, kým sa ľudia ospravedlnia, alebo kým prestanú o mne hovoriť; ďakujem Ti teraz hneď.
Nebudem čakať, kým bolesť v mojom tele zanikne; ďakujem Ti teraz hneď.
Nebudem čakať, kým sa moja finančná situácia zlepší; ďakujem Ti teraz hneď.
Nebudem čakať, kým deti zaspia a dom utíchne; ďakujem Ti teraz hneď.
Nebudem čakať, kým ma povýšia v práci, alebo kým si nájdem prácu; ďakujem Ti teraz hneď.
Nebudem čakať, kým porozumiem každej skúsenosti v mojom živote, ktorá mi zapríčinila bolesť alebo smútok; ďakujem Ti teraz hneď.

Nebudem čakať, kým sa cesta stane ľahšou, alebo kým sa objavia výzvy; ďakujem Ti teraz hneď.

Ďakujem Ti, lebo žijem.
Ďakujem Ti, lebo som prekonal dnešné problémy.
Ďakujem Ti, lebo som obišiel prekážky.
Ďakujem Ti, lebo mám možnosť a príležitosť urobiť viac a lepšie.
Ďakujem Ti, lebo OTEC, TY si sa ma nevzdal.

Boh je dobrý. Je dobrý celý čas. Za všetko mu vzdávajme vďaku.

Finally OK (hope)

So our family is finally OK. Di was in the worst situation, but unfortunately we avoided the hospital. We were not able to do something physical last week, accept doing the washing and some ironing. It is Monday today and it means, that I should go to take exercise. I am really looking forward to it.

utorok 20. januára 2009


Our family have suffered from intestinal problems since Saturday, so we had to visit our doctors yesterday. It was very troublesome and I lost 2 kilograms. I am not very happy, because I wanted to lose them by taking exercise. I have a fear of my daughter Di, because she cannot be treated as adults and she can be dehydrated rapidly. I cook only carrot soup and some rice. We eat only brown bread and butter plus some bananas. I also prepared Di a re-aqueous dilution, but she doesn`t like it. I tried to find some diet recipes in slovak, but I didn`t find any. I hope, we will be OK soon.

utorok 13. januára 2009

Wonderful day

It was difficult, but very nice day today. Di was watching Busy buses and I was cooking a boletus soup after breakfast. Then we went out. It was frosty and sunny weather, we had red cheeks, but the air was so healthy...while Di was having race with our two dogs called Jopo and Teo, I was sweeping the path and washing our gate. After that, we went sledging. When we returned home, we had lunch and I put Di to bed with her bottle of milk. I wrote some emails and I phoned. Then I was cooking boiled potatoes and fried fish. When she woke up, we made some cookies with Play-dough and waited for my husband. After dinner Di and Tom went to my mother in law and I went to church ensemble.
In the evening Di played with sticks and drew her pictures. Tom and Di are sleeping now and I silently sing a song Bless the Lord my soul and bless God`s holy name. Bless the Lord my soul, who leads me into life...

nedeľa 11. januára 2009

Skiing at Ski Dubovica

Today I went skiing with my husband, sister Lenka and a friend of my mother called Vladik at Ski Dubovica near the town Lipany (Slovakia). While we were savouring our first skiing this year, my daughter Di went sledging with my mother. First I felt a foot pain, but then it was wonderful winter skiing - wind in my face, fresh and frosty air, snow glittering everywhere, speed in my ski and hot tea with rum after all... Then we had lunch at my mother`s flat together. In the evening we said goodbye to my family and went to Kosice, because my mother in law and brother in law returned from Hungary. The train went from Wienna to Budapest and Kosice, so we had to drive them home. They were on a funeral in Hungary, because one of their relatives died. They brought us some presents, so we shared some joy with them. We returned home late, so I quickly made a dinner and put Di to bed. Now I`m really tired. But we spent a nice day, so it`s time to thank our God.

sobota 10. januára 2009

New beginning

Finally I plucked up courage to make this blog. I was inspiring by Angie, thank you Angie very much. I decided to write my reports in english because of Angie, who do not understand slovak. Maybe there will appear some slovak reports in the is simplier to write in my mother language. I hope, Angie will understand it. Also, please be patient with me, I am a beginner...