Yesterday I wrote about failures of other people, now I want to write about my total failure made in emotional raising of my daughter. Impacted by recent events, I lost my nerves. I was very strict, when Di didn`t want to sleep. In similar situations I try to give her much love and hugs, today I turned on my back and talked with a cold voice...I was totally strange person to her. I am really sorry about it.
I think as mothers that we all have times when we do things we regret. It's just part of being human. I always think that is a unique opportunity for my kids to see then when I need to apologize to them. I think it helps them to see that everyone makes mistakes and everyone has to apologize from time to time.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťDon't beat yourself up about it!
Thank you, Angie, very, very much for your encouragement. And also for many other things, you know.