nedeľa 27. septembra 2009

Hitting game

We needed a basin and some balls plus a skipping rope. We determined a start line with the skipping rope. Di had to hit the balls into the basin.

sobota 26. septembra 2009

Dogshow in Prešov

We went on a Dogshow with our dog Jopo Zlabern to Prešov. He was second in his bride, so he won RCAC. PaedDr. Jana Nechalova lead him. Congratulations!

nedeľa 20. septembra 2009

A walk

Di went for a walk with her granmom and Vlado. She likes climbing frames very much. And I struggle for breath when I look at the pictures like this.

štvrtok 10. septembra 2009


Lenka cut one egg box and Di painted it with yellow tempera. Meanwhile Lenka cut a circle and a beak from the paper. Di painted the circle with yellow tempera and the beak with orange tempera. Lenka glued orange beak on yellow circle and painted chick`s eyes. Then she glued this head on a skewer. She made three holes into the case. Di put the skewer into the first hole and feather into the second one and the third one.

streda 9. septembra 2009

Pom pom pets

This Pom pom pets kit was bought in Tesco. Our neighbours gave it to Di three months ago. Di glued the parts together. I suppose that Lenka helped her.

utorok 8. septembra 2009

Cinnamon and paprika picture

This activity was suggested by Lenka. You need minced cinnamon, minced red paprika, hand cream and drawing paper. Di and Lenka put some cream on the paper and then dispersed cinnamon and paprika on it. You can also see Di`s handprints in the picture made with cream and dispersed with cinnamon.

pondelok 7. septembra 2009


I went to work and Di stayed at home with my sister Lenka, because grandmom went to Turkey on holiday. You can see Di greasing butter on a slice of bread. And do not miss some paintings on her back and arm made by Lenka...